In this section:

Articles of Association (giving the rules about Governance at the School)

The Governing Body

The School is an Academy governed by the Members and Trustees of the Symphony Learning Trust (SLT), a Multi-Academy Trust (MAT) set up in 2016 by our Executive Head and a group of his Head teacher colleagues to provide stability and strength of leadership for Thornton Primary School. 

The Trustees of SLT make decisions in the best interest of all schools in the Trust and provide policy, guidance and challenge to ensure the effective leadership and management of the member Academies which are (at the time of writing), Newcroft Primary Academy, Thornton Primary School, The Meadow Community Primary School, Glen Hills Primary School, Fairfield Primary School and Ashby Wilesley Primary School. Ultimate accountability for our school rests with the CEO and the Trustees.

Thornton is represented on the Trustees by one of our Local Governing Body. The Local Governing Body make decisions at a school level to support and challenge the Head of School and Executive Head teacher to maintain the best possible education for pupils at Thornton and to ensure financial stability. Our Governors are appointed from the local community including parents and school staff.  Elections for parent-governors are held every four years or as required. The school governors play an active part in the overall development of the school.  They meet regularly to monitor and evaluate all aspects of school life.

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  • @Symphony_LT