Supporting children with Special Educational Needs

Thornton provides an environment in which all children, including those with special educational needs, are supported to reach their full potential. The nominated person for inclusion is Josh Simpson. This provision fully supports the SEN policy used within school. The school’s Special Educational Needs Coordinator is Miss Rebecca Squires. If you wish to contact Miss Squires please call the school office at 01530 230250 or email for attention of Miss Squires.

A copy of the school’s SEND Policy, SEN Report and the Local Offer can be found below.

Thornton SEN Policy 2023-2024.pdf

Thornton SEND Information Report 2023-24.pdf

Thornton Accessibility Plan 2021-2024.pdf

Definition of Special Educational Needs

Taken from Section 20 of The Children and Families Act 2014.

A child or young person has SEN if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for them. A child of compulsory school age or a young person has a learning difficulty or disability if they:

  • Have significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children of the same age: or 
  • Have disability which prevents or hinders them from making use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools or mainstream post-16 institutions.

Parents can feel assure that if their child requires additional support but does not fall into the category of Special Educational Needs, the school will provide all possible help to enable the child to progress. In such circumstances, the school is constrained by the funding provided by the Education Funding Agency (and this is never enough). 

  • All pupils on the SEN record should expect to have dedicated time on, at least, a weekly basis to have one-to-one support to help meet targets on their Support Plan.
  • Support Staff should familiarise themselves with the relevant Support Plans in order that their in-class support for pupils can take into account individual needs.

You can find out more about the Local Offer in Leicestershire here


Parent Carer Forums

There are PCF hub groups for all areas of the county meeting in Melton, Market Harborough and Oadby & Wigston and new venues in Blaby and Hinckley & Bosworth. Hubs continue in North West Leics, Charnwood and 360 play hubs.

Please visit: for confirmed dates and venues.


Stages of SEN Support

The stages of SEN support at Thornton are indicated below:

Stage of Support  

 School Support

Specialist Support

Support Plan

Education, Health and Care Plan

Nature of Support

Quality First Teaching / additional support using school’s resources

This may be advisory or direct input with the pupil

It may or may not require some level of funding from the school

Additional support to access the curriculum due to significant and sustained educational needs. The school may apply for High Needs Funding, enabling the school to more effectively support the child.

This plan considers a number of needs which include a combination of education, health and welfare/social issues. Additional funding will be available to meet the child’s needs.


This is for the vast majority of pupls

This will be required in a minority of cases

This stage is for pupils whose ability is significantly below expected

An extremely small percentage of pupils reach the stage of an Education, Health and Care Plan (i.e. roughly 1%)

Supporting your individual school

  • Symphony Learning Trust
  • symphony_learning_trust
  • @Symphony_LT