School Dinners

The current cost per week for our school meals are currently £11.25 (£2.25 per day).  Payments should be made in advance. You are able to pay on our School Money system: If you wish to pay by cash please ensure that this is handed into the school office.

School Dinner
A cooked mid-day meal is available free for all children in Reception and Key Stage 1. This is currently funded by the government. School meals are chargeable for Key Stage 2 children (£2.25 per day). Alternatively children may bring a packed lunch which will be stored on a secure trolley until lunchtime. 

Fizzy drinks are not allowed but soft drinks (preferably sugar free) may be sent with packed lunches. Drinking water is available from drinking fountains in the cloakrooms. Children are also encouraged to bring their own bottles of water.

A daily drink of milk may be ordered through the school office. Children under five are eligible for free milk. Children may choose to bring a healthy snack of fruit which they will be allowed to eat during morning break. Other snacks are not allowed at school.

Children in Reception and Years 1 and 2 will be provided with a free piece of fruit each day. This is funded through The National School Fruit Scheme.

Food hygiene
Thornton catering complies with all relevant guidelines. All staff have an in-date Food Hygiene Certificate.


Applying for Free School Meals

All of the children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 get a free ‘Universal’ school dinner each day but Free School Meals is different to this!

Applying successfully for Free School Meals will bring roughly an additional £1320 (per child) to support your own child’s learning and development in school. If you haven’t done so already and you fit any of the following criteria, please telephone (0116 3057093 or 0116 3056588 or 0116 3056409).

Criteria for Free School Meals – please apply if you receive any of the following:

  • Income Support (IS)
  • Income Based Jobseekers Allowance (IBJSA)
  • Child Tax Credit, provided the annual taxable income, as assessed by the Inland Revenue is not in excess of £16,190.  Families who also receive an award of Working Tax Credit do not qualify to claim for FSM.
  • The Guarantee element of State Pension Credit
  • Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • Employment and Support Allowance
  • Universal Credit

The telephone conversation will be only a few minutes but it’s well worth the time because of the extra funding for your child.

Application for free school meals can be made to the Local Authority by parents receiving Income Support. 

School food support services can be found by going to the following website:

Supporting your individual school

  • Symphony Learning Trust
  • symphony_learning_trust
  • @Symphony_LT